So the argument is, would I be better of putting in less miles but making them better quality miles at a faster pace. Right now for what I am trying to accomplish, I don't think so. My ultimate goal is to be able to go to the mountains and keep running from morning till night at a slow but steady pace. That is what I will have to be able to do in order to complete the Bishop Ultra 100K this May. If I can average 12:00 miles, that would be just five miles per hour, for the whole day, I would finish the 62 miles in just a little over 12 hours. That feat would entail running on tired legs for more than half of the day and that is what I am trying to do with my training. Many days when I go out my legs are already tired from the get go. Even if I am only going for a 10 mile run, it feels like I am running on legs that have already put in more than 20. In addition to learning to run on tired legs, my secondary goal in putting in so many miles is to lose some weight. Even if I restrict myself to solely veggies and fruit, the pounds don't seem to come off unless I drastically increase the volume of exercise. I think this is partly due to the fact that training increase the efficiency of your metabolism so you actually need less calories to do the same amount of work the more fit you get. However, even if my miles may be low quality as far as pace is concerned, I strive extra hard to maintain good running posture and form even when I am running on very tired legs. The type of quality that I am looking for is to be able to maintain an efficient running form even though inside I am feeling like dying from pain and exhaustion.
How about you? How do you answer your training quality vs. quantity questions?
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